Knowledge Sharing

What’s knowledge sharing and how to be important in our habit? I hope this’s make you as a reader open access more wide and you jusn’t reading but with the real action. Let me see you about it. Nonaka and Tageuchi in Matzler et. al (2008) says that “Knowledge sharing needed to transform the idea and concept to be a product and server in organization as innovation.” What we can doing? We can share anything knowledge who have with else included organization, share tips and trick or the best practice, and individualism must be leave. And then, we must can be filter all information what we need in our problem.
Accurate of Delphi Group seeing that knowledge in organization saving the structure within different. Forty two percent in ideas or in employee’s brains,  twenty six percent in papers, twenty percent in electronic documents, and twelve percent in knowledge base electronic.
Kind of knowledge sharing amongst (1) assembly (2) discussion (3) scientific seminar (4) meeting (5) scientific publication (6) via electronic social media. Knowledge sharing can be faster an inovation. Stages of innovation (Paulina. 2016) there are scientific finding, laboratory feasibility, operating prototype, commercial introduction, widespread adoption, diffusion to other areas, and then social economic impact.
Position of librarian there are transformational agent, transformational leader, blended librarian, embedded librarian, skill pedagogic and information technology. Blended librarianship is a concept of an academic librarian who combines the traditional skill set of librarianship with the information technologist’s hardware or software skills, and the instructional or educational designer’s ability to apply technology appropriately in the teaching learning process (S.J Bell and J.D Shank). Embedded librarianship is an emerging and important approach that allows students, faculty, and the academic community to fully engage with the librarian and fully utilize library’s resources and service (Madina Kairatbekkyzy)
The role of library as the first activator changer. Library must be action in significant as a part of system university based on strategic planning and business process of university. And the role of pedagogy’s how library success closed to college student, researchers, and academics access, review, and use the information. One of solution which can be applied in library is a learning commons. Some library already by name of “Library and Learning Commons” with a concept the use of space in library provide as facilities, services, media learning in one area or location and supported by information technology and  communication high quality.
Concept of learning commons jusn’t serve the space and learning materials but  also  learning activity who involving the academic (lecturer), college student, library’s staff or librarian, and the other who related. In addition also increase the result of learning.
So, we must share anything what make a benefit jusn’t to yourself but to the other with a knowledge sharing we can make an innovation and get outcome a good also. This information take when attending a seminar in my university. Have enjoy it hopefully can be help and see you later to my next post !!!

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